Friday, November 2, 2012



If a woman could write herself,
form herself of crafted words,
make of herself a golem
of grammar and syntax,
metaphor and metonymy;

if she could shape herself
into silent, still, soliloquy;
her cunning sharp and carved of consonance;
her curves soft, sculpted so from sibilance;
her emotions openly evoked in assonance,
if a woman could make herself
into such a thing,
oh, what a book you’d be.

And what a man could do with such a book,
her pages laid out before him.
He might take in her scent
or run a finger down her spine
treasuring the tingle of the title
beneath a cartographer’s wandering fingertips.

For certain he would read her,
once, twice, and then again
til she was as worn from care as he, yet free
from careless dog eared marks
or any annotations desperate to define her.
He’s the kind of man
who remembers where all his favorite parts are
but would read every page again
just to laugh once more at a piece of witty banter,
the same place he’s laughed at
a thousand times before.

If a woman could write herself,
form herself of crafted words,
if a woman could make herself
into such a thing,
oh, what a book you’d be.

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