I am simply writing to write. That, at the moment, is the
sole purpose. I don’t have anything burbling deep down in the center of my
soul, no geyser under pressure ready to explode. I have not sat down for lunch
at Parnassus and eaten the fruit of epiphany.
Perhaps it would be more accurate to say I am writing to
spin the hands of the clock a little faster. Letter by letter, I press my foot
harder on the accelerator of time and hope that when I look up again, I will be
saved by the bell.
Alas, this uninspired word-vomit has the horsepower of a V4
manual going up a hill. It goes from 0-35mph in forever flat. The second hand
has decided to tick by in geologic time, the rumble of the slow train going by
my office nothing more than shifting of the tectonic plates of my boredom.
So I go on, imagining myself brave enough to run out through
the field of snow between me and the track and jump on that train. I’ll take a
ride to wherever it’s going and pick up from wherever that is. If I didn’t
freeze to death, I’d just call it a fugue and blame it on the monotony of the
senseless teasing of the seconds.
I suppose I could delve into the work that lies before me.
Not the work of corporations and desks and endless inane advertisements waiting
to be proofread to ensure the half-literate masses won’t miss a period, but the
work of my. . . well, my work. My creation, the Frankenstein romance that I’ve
patched together from the quilted panels of my imagination, fantasies, and
That isn’t to say that my novel is some reunion of the
monster and his bride. I apologize for the misleading metaphor. The genre is,
purely and simply, romance. I have done away with my morals altogether and sold
out. If Nicholas Sparks paved the road in good intentions, it his footsteps I
follow in. My cold, cold heart feels no remorse, however. Let the world shudder
in my passing.
I have new scenes to write, which means work, then more work
once this revision is completed. Even more than the practice I need writing, I
definitely need the practice revising and working. It’s much, much easier to
spew incoherent thoughts onto a page and shove a Mack truck’s worth of
metaphors in between the nouns. I am quite excited about one scene I intend to
add. It’s purely based upon one of my favorite memories which involved painting
my house and painting the friend helping me. It was a great scene when I lived
it, and it fits perfectly into what I’m trying to build in this part of the
story. Said friend is the only one of my Alpha readers who bothered to give me
notes, and I haven’t told her yet that I’m writing that scene into the book, so
I think she’ll be pleasantly surprised when the time comes for her to read it
The process is going to take much longer than I intended,
and I am considering a change to the ending. I will probably provide both to a
couple readers and keep the one they like. After all, it’s the reader who has
to like your book. What the author likes or not means absolutely nothing once
it’s out of his or her hands. Especially if there’s an intent to make a living.
Though I do believe it’s possible to have both, I’m not some soulless monster
spinning straw into gold in return for your firstborn child. Well, probably
Originally I had planned to publish on Valentine’s, but I
don’t think that I will do the book enough justice if I go that route. I refuse
to be one of those author’s self-publishing unedited garbage into the world. I
will give you my finely spun gold, (shit, maybe I am Rumplestiltskin), for the
low price of your firstborn $1.99 so that you can’t help but tell all of
your female friends that they MUST go out and buy this rare mineral of a novel
for this ridiculously cheap price. What a steal! (It’s on sale.)
On a side note, how are gold and diamonds rare when they’re
slid on the fingers and pierced through the ears of every woman in the nation?
When my novel is finally good enough in the less strict
opinions of other people, I will publish it to Kindle and let you know. I hope
that you will be so kind as to give it a try after listening to me blab about
it for months. Then tell your girlfriends. Together, we will turn lead into
silver into gold into platinum! Bwahahaha. Oh, right.
Of course, if you’re the overly practical type and dislike
Nicholas Sparkesque romance or prefer reading literature, please don’t feel
obligated. It’s a terrible, terrible thing I’m doing to the world and if you
prefer to keep your hands clean, by all means, do so. ;)
Oh, and when the movie comes out, be sure to see that too.
Ha ha. Can’t hit what you don’t aim for.
On another tack, pun intended, I mentioned to a friend this
morning that life is like sailing. Your course is never really charted in a
straight line. You have the harbor you left from and the harbor you’re headed
toward. The wind won’t let you travel from point A to B without interruptions,
however. There will be storms and calms and even on the most ideal day, you
still have to cross the straight line at diagonals to keep your sails full.
Sometimes you’ll find yourself off course entirely. Tack again and head back.
Assuming you don’t just wander randomly across the seas of life. There’s always
a new shore somewhere. The thought always reminds me of Dave Matthew’s ‘You
& Me’. “We’re gonna ride the blue all the way til the end of the world.”
I’d like to leave this monologue with a quote from Neil
Gaiman that I dredged out of my archives yesterday. It’s from Anansi Boys. Too true.
"It is a small world. You do not have to live in it
particularly long to learn that for yourself. There is a theory that, in the
whole world, there are only five hundred real people (the cast, as it were; all
the rest of the people in the world, the theory suggests, are extras) and what
is more, they all know each other. And it’s true, or true as far as it does. In
reality the world is made of thousands upon thousands of groups of about five
hundred people, all of whom will spend their lives bumping into each other,
trying to avoid each other, and discovering each other in the same unlikely
teashop in Vancouver. There is an unavoidability to this process. It’s not even
coincidence. It’s just the way the world works, with no regard for individuals
or propriety."
And a thousand words, (most of them mine), goodnight.
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