Time for another break from The West Wind. 25,768 words since 10/22/2012.
Albert Camus once said, “The struggle itself towards the
heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.” I
can only imagine that Sisyphus took things a step beyond happiness. Forced to
roll his boulder up and watch it roll down, I find myself imagining him dubbing
the boulder Wilson, (How many centuries he waited for the perfect name!), and
making it not his burden, but his fast friend. Like a snowboarder who spends
two hours hiking a snow covered peak for the thrill and freedom of a 15 minute
ride back down, I picture this supposedly tragic character rolling his stone to
its peak then turning and racing it down. Trying to climb on top and ride it to
the bottom. What would the gods care, having judged him and left him to his
doom? Indeed, would he be any less lost without Wilson than Tom Hanks was in Cast
Away? Without his burden, no matter how absurd his struggle, without it he is not Sisyphus. Without Sisyphus, the boulder is inert, nothing
worthy of a story. Without the boulder, Sisyphus would be just another cruel
king forgotten on the tides of time.
Camus called life, “absurd.” I would argue that perhaps
intrinsic is better diction. Life is it’s own meaning. We are defined by
whatever Wilson our own has shaped for us, and our Wilson defines us. The logic
is circular because most things in our lives are. Western minds have difficulty
accepting this; they want stories to have a beginning and an end.
Science has shown us that the intrinsic values of our
experiences are the only ones that lead to a sense of well-being and
fulfillment. We must first come to terms and gain the means to deal with our
burden. We first climb through Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs until we are
satisfied that yes, we can roll the boulder up the hill. We claim food and
shelter, then reach for the next level. Once there, it has been proven that human beings function and perform below par
when their motivations are not intrinsic. In particular this refers to any form
of creativity, which encompasses anything from coding an original iPad app to
writing a symphony.
It is not so far-fetched then, that existence could be it’s
own purpose. Life is not absurd because it lacks meaning. It’s intrinsic,
because it is it’s own meaning. Where Western thought has difficulty with this
is because it’s been educated to expect a great purpose for all things rather
than taught to accept that all things have their purpose. Yet we reach more and
more as a population for Eastern philosophies and practices. The popularity of
yoga, the advent of Positive Psychology that so closely mirrors Eastern wisdom
in its teachings, a generation of adults who are realizing that money never
bought them happiness and a generation of young adults who don’t want to go
into the corporate work force because they want their lives to have a greater
purpose. As a civilization, many of us are seeking meaning, without realizing we
already have it.
I propose that Camus was right. Sisyphus must be happy. Not
because existence has no meaning, but because he found meaning in the simplest
place he could: his own existence.
This is not the answer to the meaning of life. That’s 42.
This is just a few thoughts on the subject. Don’t bother to ask what the
question is. The Earth will be destroyed before we figure that out. Pack a
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